Academic Progression Standards | Master of Science in Exercise Physiology
MEXP Didactic Academic Progression and Matriculation
- A minimum grade of “C” or better needs to be earned in all courses
- Students must maintain both a semester and cumulative GPA > 3.0.
- A student is placed on academic probation if one or more of the following occur:
1. Semester GPA < 3.0
2. A grade of “D” or lower is earned in any one class
To be removed from probation due to didactic/GPA reasons, the following criteria must be met:
- A student must repeat any course in which a grade of “D” or “F” was earned. A grade of “C” or better is needed to successfully pass the retake. The student remains on academic probation until the student successfully passes the retake course.-
~ A student is unable to take subsequent course(s) for which this course is a prerequisite.
A course may only be retaken once.This may decelerate a student and delay graduation.
- While repeating a course, all other standard requirements of progression and matriculation must be met
- The student needs to earn a semester GPA of 3.0 in all subsequent semesters
- Probationary status will be removed if/when the student attains a cumulative GPA of 3.0 in subsequent semesters.
- A student may not graduate on probation and must graduate with a cumulative GPA > 3.0. If a student is on probation after the spring semester in year 2, they must successfully repeat courses at the advisor’s discretion to graduate. The repeat courses will only occur during their scheduled timetable.
MEXP Clinical Academic Progression and Matriculation
- A grade of “S” needs to be earned for every clinical course (EXP 5520, EXP 5580, EXP 5590, EXP 6600, EXP 6610)
- A student is placed on academic probation if a grade of “U” is earned in any one clinical course
To be removed from probation due to clinical reasons, the following criteria must be met:
- A student must successfully pass (grade of “S”) any repeat clinical course in which a grade of “U” is earned and is unable to take subsequent courses, for which this course is a prerequisite. A course may only be retaken once.
A student is automatically dismissed if one or any combination of the following occur:
- A student earns a “D” or “F” in a course retake
- Any semester GPA <2.0
- Earning a grade of “U” twice in any combination of clinical courses